
The driving license costs €1199 with us, if you buy several driving licenses (car and motorcycle or truck and motorcycle) the price rises to €1199.

Within two days of your order being shipped, one of our back office employees will contact you to ask any questions and discuss the shipment with you.

The amount of advances is:

€400 for a car or motorbike license
€450 for a car + truck driving license
€500 for the car + motorcycle license
€550 for the truck + motorcycle license

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The UK driving license explained

Do you want to know the nuances and nuances about the UK driving license? You’ve found the right site

In addition to being an essential type of identification In addition, as well as a vital form of identification, the UK driving licence also grants you the ability to drive a car and certain kinds of vehicles. The licence, however, is full of details about codes, categories and other information it is possible that you are looking for some explanations of how the face of your driving license shows, as well as what the details on back of the driving licence refer to. This guide will clarify all this.

On the front side of your driver’s licence includes a picture of the holder, along and the expiry date displayed on the top. It also contains important information regarding them, and the type of vehicle that their license permits them to drive.

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Every part that appears on the back of a driver’s license is numbered and each number displaying the following details:

1. Your surname
2. Your initial name(s)
3. Your birth date and the your birth country
4a. The date on which your license was issued
4b. The date on which your license expires
4c. Which agency issued your license (usually DVLA)
5. Your driver’s license number*
6. While not included on your license the photo you have is 6
7. Your signature
8. Your email address
9. The different types of vehicles that you are allowed to drive. See next section.

*This is composed of the initial five letters in your name, the birth year month, day and month, and the letters that two of the middle names you have begin, and the number 9 inserted in case you have only the middle initial. The two numbers that comprise the year of your birth are divided into two parts and are bookended by the long number, instead of being displayed in a sequential fashion. There are three computer-assigned numbers at the end of the line and a different pair of numbers along the same line, which represent the license issue number.

The back of the driving license explained

There are a variety of categories shown at the bottom of your driver’s license and are displayed as tables with four columns. They are labeled 9-12.

Column 9 displays the code along with an image that represents the types of vehicles.
Column 10 is the date at when your license for the type of vehicle was issued.
Column 11 is the date at the date your license for that type of vehicle will expire.
Column 12 displays driving license codes. EG “115” means organ donor (see section following next).

What are the driving licence categories?

Although the icons will help you figure out which vehicles are allowed to be driven but they may not be a breeze to comprehend.

What are driving licence numbers?

In the preceding section, aside from driving-licence categories, there are also driving-licence code.

These are not referring to cars, but specific requirements that may be added to a person’s driving licence, relating to any or all of the classes of vehicles that they can drive. A code for instance could state that you must wear glasses or corrective lenses for driving or you’re an organ donor.

The license codes are as are as follows (information obtained from the UK Government website; multiple codes are shown on each line to limit scrolling).

01 – eyesight correction, for example glasses or contact lenses 02 – hearing/communication aid 10 – modified transmission 15 – modified clutch 20 – modified braking systems 25 – modified accelerator systems 30 – combined braking and accelerator systems (for licences issued before 28 November 2016) 31 – pedal adaptations and pedal safeguards 32 – combined service brake and accelerator systems 33 – combined service brake, accelerator and steering systems 35 – modified control layouts 40 – modified steering 42 – modified rear-view mirror(s) 43 – modified driving seats 44 – modifications to motorbikes 44 (1) – single operated brake 44 (2) – adapted front wheel brake 44 (3) – adapted rear wheel brake 44 (4) – adapted accelerator 44 (5) – (adjusted) manual transmission and manual clutch 44 (6) – (adjusted) rear-view mirror(s) 44 (7) – (adjusted) commands (direction indicators, braking light, etc) 44 (8) – seat height allowing the driver, in sitting position, to have two feet on the surface at the same time and balance the motorcycle during stopping and standing 44 (11) – adapted foot rest 44 (12) – adapted hand grip 45 – motorbikes only with sidecar 46 – tricycles only (for licences issued before 29 June 2014) 70 – exchange of licence 71 – duplicate of licence 78 – restricted to vehicles with automatic transmission 79 – restricted to vehicles in conformity with the specifications stated in brackets on your licence 79 (2) – restricted to category AM vehicles of the 3-wheel or light quadricycle type 79 (3) – restricted to tricycles 96 – allowed to drive a vehicle and trailer where the trailer weighs at least 750kg, and the combined weight of the vehicle and trailer is between 3,500kg and 4,250kg 97 – not allowed to drive category C1 vehicles which are required to have a tachograph fitted 101 – not for hire or reward (that is, not to make a profit) 102 – drawbar trailers only 103 – subject to certificate of competence 105 – vehicle not more than 5.5 metres long 106 – restricted to vehicles with automatic transmissions 107 – not more than 8,250 kilograms 108 – subject to minimum age requirements 110 – limited to transporting persons with restricted mobility 111 – limited to 16 passenger seats 113 – limited to 16 passenger seats except for automatics 114 – with any special controls required for safe driving 115 – organ donor 118 – start date is for earliest entitlement 119 – weight limit for vehicle does not apply 121 – restricted to conditions specified in the Secretary of State’s notice 122 – valid on successful completion: Basic Moped Training Course. This is not applicable to test e-scooters 125 tricycles are the only exception (for licences issued prior to the 29th June, 2014)

Driving license FAQs

Where can I find the driver’s license number?

The number of your driving licence can be located on the back of your photocard licence under section 5.

Where is the issue code of a driver’s license?

The issue number for your driving license is located on that same line with your license number, but there is a small gap between them.

What type of driving license do I need?

There are two major types of driving licences available in the UK two types: provisional and full. A full licence is pink, while a provisional license is green, and clearly labeled.

Then there are different licence categories that define the type of vehicle you are permitted to drive. If you’ve completed your test for car driving, you are now able to drive vehicles that are classified as class B on your driving license which means vehicles that have not more than eight passenger seats and not weighing more than 3,500kg fully loaded.

Are paper driving licences still valid?

If you hold an old paper driving license which was issued prior to March 2000, and the information it contains is accurate and valid, it’s still valid. If you have to change your address or name the photocard licence is issued in order to substitute your paper license but it will be a different name.

Driving in the UK

Any driver who is through the UK must:

  • You must have a valid current DRIVER’S LICENCE
  • You are covered by insurance
  • Use a vehicle that is registered in the name of the owner
  • Use a vehicle that is registered with ROAD tax (there are some exceptions)

The Immigration and International Student Advice team has prepared the following document of guidance to help you prepare for driving in the UK. Further information about how to drive on the roads of the UK is provided below. There is more information about all subjects, as well as additional topics such as riding Mopeds and motorcycles at the UKCISA website..

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Additional information


€400 for a car or motorcycle license, €450 for car + truck driving license, 500€ for car driving license + motorcycle, €500 for the truck + motorcycle license


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